Wedding Band Safety

Choosing a wedding band is a romantic and treasured milestone in the journey of a couple, however, educating yourself on the rings you are selecting can help ensure you choose the best ring for you and your health. Understanding the type of fits and materials that work best for you, as well as having the wisdom to know when wearing the wedding band is not appropriate or safe, will ensure your wedding band lasts as long as your marriage.

Type of Metal
Wedding bands come in a variety of metal options, from platinum to gold to tungsten to titanium to stainless steel, all with advantages and disadvantages. However, your skin may react differently to different types of metals. Try wearing any of the metals you are considering prior to purchasing the wedding band to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction to any of them. This can help you weigh your decision and enable you to choose a metal that will work for you and your skin. Titanium and platinum are known for being hypoallergenic options.

Ring Removal
Different rings will have different methods of removal in an emergency. Educate yourself on what method works best for your particular ring so you will be informed if you ever should be in a situation where you need to get the ring off quickly. For example, if your hands were to swell or if your ring finger was broken, you may not be able to slip off the ring. A white gold ring should break off easily with a traditional ring remover while a titanium ring will need a more heavy-duty removal tool. In comparison, a tungsten ring will break when struck, while a titanium band will bend, which is less safe.

Ring size can be an important factor relating to wedding band safety. A ring should not be so loose that it can easily slip off past the knuckle but not so tight that it is difficult to remove or move on the finger. A ring that is too tight can restrict blood flow. If you are unsure of your ring size, ask a professional jeweler to measure you to determine the best ring fit.

Work can be a dangerous place to wear any jewelry, especially a wedding ring. Someone who does hands-on labor, such as a carpenter or machinist can risk catching their ring on tools and parts, which could result in injury. If they are injured on the job, their hand could swell, trapping the ring on their finger. Removing the wedding band while working is advisable. A person in the food industry can also be prone to trapping bacteria under jewelry. Likewise, someone in the health care industry, such as a doctor, nurse or dentist, should also remove their rings so it does not become a way of trapping and spreading bacteria.


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