Lack of core technology patent applications restrict Chinese Rare Earth Industry Development

It is understood that for the Japanese company Hitachi Metals unreasonable patent monopoly NdFeB rare earth permanent magnet materials , NdFeB material recently produced more than 10 Chinese companies are brewing initiate proceedings .

NdFeB rare earth permanent magnet materials, is one of the most important applications of rare earth direction . At present , China NdFeB annual output of about 80,000 tons , accounting for nearly 80 % of global production . Since the patent lies in the hands of a small number of foreign enterprises, Chinese enterprises are limited to the international market of rare earth products. It also reflects the grim reality of application of rare earth industry facing China : most of the core technology patents of various types of rare earth materials , over the years have been dominated by foreign companies.

" the mother of the new material ," rare earths, is widely used in cutting-edge technology. China is the world's largest rare earth producer, but also the application of rare earth weak country , has long been the main act the role of rare earth raw materials exporting countries .

From a global perspective, the current rare earth processing chain, divided into separate smelting products, alloy materials , components, terminal applications four links.

" Chinese products , mainly in the separation smelting, middle and low alloy material production areas , high-end products account for less than 10% of the alloy material production, and then further downstream product yet form a production scale . " China Rare Earth Society Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Anwen said that every year a large number of Chinese exports of rare earth products , but rarely profitable , and in order to meet domestic demand, but also spent a year China imported high grade rare earth alloy materials and components , terminal applications.

In contrast , the United States , Japan and other countries from the Chinese imports of rare earth raw material, its processing into various components and terminal applications, support for large -scale cars, home appliances , new energy , aerospace , nuclear industry and other military development of civilian high-tech industry , leveraging indirect economic output of a trillion dollars a year.

Some experts believe that the current difficulties facing China's rare earth industry applications , scientific research and application of rare earth in China started late , foreign companies control the core patented technology , which are directly related.

China Iron and Steel Research Institute, Li Wei , deputy chief engineer and other experts said that at present , the core technology patents majority of rare earth materials is dominated foreign companies. For example, the core patented technology NdFeB rare earth permanent magnet materials have been dominated by the U.S. General Motors , Magnequench and Japan 's Sumitomo , Hitachi , core patent magnetostrictive materials, catalytic materials and other fields have been dominated by U.S. companies , luminescent materials patented technology has been dominated Japanese companies .

To represent the rare earth alloy sintered NdFeB permanent magnet materials , for example, by virtue of patents, leading companies such as Sumitomo sintered NdFeB global sales market , the United States Magnequench companies occupy 80% of the global bonded NdFeB more market share .

Part of the United States and Japan also agreed to provide a third country if the production of similar products into the United States , Europe and Japan , while the two sides of the patent must be purchased and received 5% of product sales as a commission.

It is understood that there are three of the earliest Chinese manufacturers of sintered NdFeB bought Japanese company's patented technology , each spent nearly 40 million yuan . Until after May of this year, China purchased this patented technology enterprises from five to eight .

However, other companies have not purchased patents , production and operation is very limited , often around 10% below the market price to sell to middlemen. Foreign enterprises through various means vague patents are valid , long-term profitability .

"At present , the application of rare earth new materials industry accounted for 62% of China 's total rare earth applications , intellectual property controlled by others, has seriously hampered the development of China's rare earth industry applications . " Li Wei said.

" RE upstream industry output value is very small, only apply it , the value of rare earths will be released. " Zhang Anwen and other experts said that China's future development on the basis of good resources , we must increase research investment, breakthroughs in key core technologies , enhance the level of application of rare earth industry in order to really put resources into industrial advantage.

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