China Tungsten Power Market Stabilizes Under Environmental Protection

Analysis of latest tungsten market from ChinaTungsten Online

Under Chinese environmental protection and unstable economic environment at home and abroad, both market stocks and trading volumes are weak. There still remains space for purchasers to demand a lower price and for sellers to keep their firm offers. Insiders now are cautious on the market outlook that lacks supports from the demand side.

In the tungsten concentrate market, terminal demand has not recovered completely and market participants wait and see heavily. The weak guide prices for tungsten ores also further increase worries. Price falls are limited by costs and tight supply, and both buyers and sellers hold different attitudes towards the market outlook. Tungsten concentrate products are fewer concluded; prices keep stable. 

Downstream factories remain low operating rate under the pressure of environmental protection and demand. APT enterprises are reluctant to lower product prices as they have no pressure of high stocks. Purchasers control the quantity of stocking up to be in line with what they need, and profits tend to be decreased. Short-term APT price will stabilize. 

Inquiries are not active in the tungsten powder market. Enterprisers raise the competitive feelings, although market outlook remains unclear. Actual market transaction prices may edge lower, but affected by raw material market, they change in a relatively stable range.

Prices of tungsten products on Nov. 09, 2018

China tungsten prices picture

Picture of tungsten trioxide

tungsten trioxide picture

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