LED Industry's Future Mobile Internet Era


LED lighting is LED Ⅲ - Ⅳ compounds , such as GaAs ( gallium arsenide ), GaP ( gallium phosphide ), GaAsP LED industry( gallium arsenide phosphide ) and other semiconductor made ​​ 's .

Currently the global smart phone users more than 1.6 billion , while the main body and the core , this 1.6 billion mobile Internet is truly becoming a part of people's social life and work indispensable to subvert the whole of social life , including business model , almost everything was transparent, the popularity of mobile Internet previously, if a customer has a less good customer experience , perhaps nothing with nothing, but now a microblogging customer , you can let the whole world within 2,3 seconds know a company , a product, a service of unfulfilled promises . Customers get the functionality of a product , the price is anywhere , easy. Mobile Internet era , LED industry will usher in what kind of challenge ? What kind of trends in LED products in turn presents ?

Transparency ( non- price war )

In the past 10 years, due to the LED display non -standard products , and with the nature of the project , so LED display enterprises are closed environment to grow and sales. Model caused chaos , chaotic quality, price chaos and other issues. A less than 300 billion market to accommodate the more than 2,000 companies , relatively large profit margins . Undertake orders mainly by salespeople public relations capacity , operational capability. However, the arrival of the era of mobile Internet has revolutionized the LED display industry closed mode. Now when customers need LED display, anywhere , can be found in a few seconds company, product , price, everything is transparent.

1 ) the overall strength of the company 's transparency , previous asymmetric information , ensuring a less than 300 million LED display industry , to accommodate more than 2,000 companies are profitable. Suppliers of customers to obtain information on the LED display is not smooth . Influence customer decisions are mainly communicate with the salesman in the contract is to get in Tuibeihuanzhan . Mobile Internet era , the display size of the company , case , sales , quality brands such as comprehensive strength is completely transparent to the customer has enough information to verify and validate the real situation. Then the LED display industry 's largest customer will be the first of several companies selected target .

2 ) Price transparency : price transparency ( non- price war ) on the LED display industry's largest mobile Internet era of Impact , a model mess LED display market , the real mainstream models are only a few , Outdoor mainly P16 and P10. The main chamber is P6, P4. Before LED display prices are not transparent , mainly producers did not disclose the price, so hard to find quotes on the site , but now with some of the industry 's expansion of enterprise scale , standardized mass production began , the price of an open and transparent as possible. Once the LED display price transparency , the industry 's sales model will be completely overturned.


Transparency in the face of all the Internet era , LED display industry is a grad . Engineering and trading class is undoubtedly drowned, small and medium sized companies the same precarious , even big companies in the industry had to face a serious decline in profits after the price transparency unfavorable situation . Therefore, price transparency would boycott the industry in a short time become a rare "understanding ." However, price transparency trend is unstoppable , a new business model under the enterprise only to make a change , we will not die under the wheels of the market upheaval .

Change not only have to pay the price of capital also , LED display industry more than 2,000 , many of them the ability to super human well-funded enterprises. But the real face "all transparent ," the business environment, a company may not be able to calmly face . Representative of several listed companies in production scale, cost control , product quality , engineering services and so there is a problem , far from unthinkable "all clear " consequences.

LED display industry is not the whole enterprise like "everything transparent ," but "all transparency " is inevitable. Is the evolution of the direction of the industry, I think every company wants to overtake in the corners , this is indeed the history of the largest LED display industry since the time change , the overall strength and reputation of transparency towards the end , only the beginning of price transparency , who there corner overtaking strength is the key. Retop displayed after BDO merged department , has become part of BDO whole chess game , rather than a separate unit , and BDO strategic layout several years ago , has in Wuhu , Dalian, Yang states, Bengbu has a generous investment from the LED epitaxial wafers , LED chips , LED packaging , LED display to standardized mass production, capacity utilization huge price advantage of strong capital formation and release to the market , just borrow BDO Group today " price transparency & rdquo ; as a marketing tool , hopes to complete by the company to promote a significant change in the LED display industry sales model . So Retop displays planned in 2013 to promote the various types of price transparency .


" price transparency " progressive realization of the process , the original LED display industry sales model will completely overturn : 1 ) to solve the problem of asymmetric information , the customer more easily and objectively to find the right LED display enterprises to do business . 2 ) reducing the transaction costs , customers do not necessarily spend a lot of time to plant several field visits and then another round of negotiations and lower prices . 3 ) get a unified product configuration , vendor price transparency must be designed to protect the quality of the product configuration , product quality assurance. 4 ) LED display industry concentration is conducive to large-scale development , after the uniform standard price transparency, part of the company's market share rapidly expanding , and finally the formation of internationally competitive large enterprises , LED display industry will quickly from over 2000 reducing the home to several .

"Everything transparent" process and is accompanied by pain, there is a price advantage and productivity advantages, well-funded comprehensive strength of a strong well-managed companies will accelerate the expansion of SMEs increasingly encroaching on the market , 1) "all transparent & rdquo ; profit after reunification, many poorly managed companies lose their competitiveness gradually withdraw from the market . 2 ) the impact of price transparency will again put out before the money when prices are high , especially in the rental market , are private debt, plus display non -standard products , customers are looking for reasons not to pay a breeze. Social changes like the moon and stars alternately , whether individuals or small businesses have become forces , can only sigh .

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