Tungsten market performance light, weak market stability maintenance

Tungsten market : tungsten smelter home very price conscious, but the actual turnover of more or less in the offer , and by weak demand dragged down , only a small amount of turnover . Sodium tungstate market performance light, tungsten concentrate difficult market turnover continued weakness in demand , volume was light, weak market stability maintenance , businesses generally considered short-term outlook is not optimistic, but constrained by high costs and funding constraints , mostly choose to watch the market . Tungsten scrap market limited supply, weak stability maintenance mainstream market , the market is expected to post or continue to slowly dropping .

Molybdenum market : the current rally has slowed domestic molybdenum products , because many businesses in order to complete the original process, and downstream buyers to buy more cautious attitude , a little to quell market trading fiery atmosphere . Lowering the cost of production is difficult , molybdenum and iron manufacturers offer continues to maintain solid . Steel trick late approaching, expected short-term business outlook is expected to remain optimistic side .

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email:  sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn

