Rare Earth Prices At Low Levels

Today, the rare earth market is still not active buyers into the market Inquiries lanthanum, cerium oxide, individual businesses to mobilize price.
Lanthanum, cerium oxide prices are low and fortune do not change. 39 lanthanum oxide basic tax price are still 3.5-3.7 yuan / ton, some traders offer higher tax included in the 40,000 yuan / ton, but industry insiders and more reflect the actual transaction price will be much lower than this . 39 cerium oxide market tax price is still 39,000 yuan / ton, less procurement. 395 the cerium oxide inquiries increase, the market tax offer mostly concentrated in the 40,000 yuan / ton.
Samarium, yttrium, erbium oxide prices basically no change, subject to market less attention, turnover is limited. Samarium oxide market tax 4-4.5 yuan / ton, the the yttria tax 90,000 yuan / ton, erbium oxide tax offer 300,000 yuan / ton. The possibility of real demand for March oxide market still weak, in addition to individual products to ensure stability not fall, most prices are downstream. The overall trend of the rare earth market in March, most market participants did not dare categorically judge will be better off, individual rare earth traders even think that likely will pick up in May.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
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