Nano CsxWO3 Powder Applied for Thermal Insulation Film

Nano CsxWO3 powder, or nano grain size cesium tungsten bronze powder, may be applied for preparing thermal insulation film. And the cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder has photochromic property. The photochromic property of cesium tungsten bronze is a reversible process. Under the radiation of a certain wavelength of light, the structure of the cesium tungsten bronze material changes to absorb other spectra, and then returns to the previous form after heating.

nano CsxWO3 powder applied for thermal insulation film image

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nano CsxWO3 powder applied for thermal insulation film picture

The Faughnan model can explain the photochromic mechanism of nano cesium tungsten bronze. When irradiated by light waves of a certain wavelength, electrons in the cesium tungsten bronze valence band are excited, and free electrons appear, which cause the hexavalent tungsten to be reduced to pentavalent tungsten. At this time, the holes generated by the electron transition react with the water molecules on the surface of the material to generate hydrogen ions, and these hydrogen ions enter the cesium tungsten bronze tunnel to obtain blue product. This blue color is caused by absorbing a spectrum of a specific wavelength during the electronic transition.


