Tungsten Concentrate Price Climbs on Tight Supply

Analysis of latest tungsten market in China from Chinatungsten Online: Quotations from tungsten concentrate and APT manufacturers show signs of rise despite market trading has not improved. The new round of guide prices for early March will soon be released and considering the general good expectation, the actual transaction prices are in an upward trend.

During two sessions in China, production capacity of tungsten mines is limited, and the whole market supply would be tight. The current situation offers support to raw material prices, but the increasing demand also is important.

Tungsten prices are basically unchanged from last week. Although downstream enterprises have strong rised mentality, a small amount of transactions reach high prices due to tightening availability of low-price raw material. China’s tungsten price in the short term is expected to keep firm. Market participates need to focus more on the latest movements of trading.

Prices of tungsten products on Mar. 6, 2018

tungsten powder price picture

Picture of tungsten pwoder

tungsten powder picture

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