Molybdenum Powder Price - Apr. 12, 2018

molybdenum powder picture

In the molybdenum concentrate market, the availability of spot goods is tight, so businesses face little pressure of sales and mainly wait for proper price. Steel biddings will soon restart in the ferro molybdenum market, but the quantity of biddings at a relatively low level weakens market confidence, some traders even reduce profits for more transactions.


Tungsten Powder Manufacturers Reduce Trading Under Supply and Demand Pressure

ammonium paratungstate picture

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online: Domestic tungsten price has shown a weak trend recently in whole. On the one hand, the continuous weak demand cools purchasers’ enthusiasm in enquiry; on the other hand, downstream factories force prices down due to increasing supply of raw materials. In the short term, high-price transactions are hard to be concluded.


Europium Oxide Price - Apr. 11, 2018

europium oxide picture

Rare earth market quotation in China: domestic rare earth price is under pressure. D0wnstream factories stay cautious about purchasing and under the sufficient supply of raw materials, market participants plan to purchase at a relatively low price. 


Molybdenum Powder Price - Apr. 11, 2018

molybdenum powder picture

China’s molybdenum price is now weak in whole, with slight increasing trading volumes. Affected by stopping production to undergo repair of mines, sellers raise mentality of keeping firm offer. Some manufacturers who have low stocks start to replenishing, so trading volumes increase.


Xiamen Tungsten Industry will Buy Tungsten Molybdenum Concentrate from Australia

tungsten molybdenum concentrate production image

In November 3rd, Australian media reported that the Moore Jinshan tungsten mine project in Western Australia was officially approved in 2018 through environmental approvals. By then, Xiamen tungsten industry Limited by Share Ltd (XTC) will be purchased from the project of tungsten and molybdenum concentrate.


Orders in Tungsten Powder Market Decrease on Downward Price

tungsten trioxide picture

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online: Market participants in the tungsten market are basically pessimistic about the outlook at present. Considering the weak price, purchasers slow down their pace in purchasing, which limits the release of demand to some extent. Sellers have high willing in shipments while purchasers have little need in stocking up. The imbalance means thin trading. In the short term, tungsten price will be weak.


Rare Earth Price in China - Apr. 10, 2018

neodymium oxide picture

Rare earth market quotation in China: domestic rare earth price maintains the current market trend with stability of seller’s mentality, deadlocked supply and demand and thin market trading. At present, downstream factories have low willingness in purchase and market price without effective guidance tends to be stable. Market participants in the rare earth market are mainly focusing on attitude of large enterprises and news of environmental protection and purchasing and storage.


Ammonium Molybdate Price - Apr. 10, 2018

molybdenum oxide picture

Quotation of mainstream ammonium molybdate enterprises has been maintained stability recently. Purchase in batch is hardly seen in downstream market after the rise of raw material price. Though downstream customers have little stocks of ammonium molybdate, they would not accept the quotation of RMB 114,000/t. while manufacturers express that they will not sell products at low price due to high spot costs and little selling pressure.


Deadlocked Supply and Demand Weakens Tungsten Market Confidence

APT picture

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online: Opening this week, domestic tungsten price continues to maintain weak adjustment. Bearish atmosphere covers the whole market, and downstream market follows up upstream market slowly. Though miners face little pressure of supply, buyers and sellers have different expectations for price. Therefore, the deadlocked situation presses market trading.


Europium Oxide Price - Apr. 09, 2018

europium oxide picture

Rare earth market quotation in China: domestic rare earth price continues to maintain stability due to the quiet market trading. At present, sellers’ quotation for their products is unchanged, waiting for new round of policy news. While downstream factories reply on rigid demand, with imbalance between supply and demand. Enterprises now in the rare earth market mainly focus on the new guide from listing prices of large companies.




Tungsten Metal

Tungsten Metal Price

Tungsten Alloy

Tungsten Alloy Price

Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten Carbide Price

Tungsten Powder

Tungsten Powder Price

Tungsten Copper

Tungsten Copper Price

Tungsten Oxide

Tungsten Oxide Price