Tungsten Oxide Nanowires Preparation by Hydrothermal Synthesis Method

Tungsten oxide nanowires are a fantastic one-dimensional material, which is rarely introduced on academic websites. It may not be known to many that tungsten oxide nanowires can also be used as absorbing materials for radar electromagnetic waves, such as stealth fighter coatings, strategic missile concealment and so on.

tungsten oxide nanowires preparation by hydrothermal method image

Some scholars have innovated an effective hydrothermal synthesis method, which can simultaneously prepare tungsten oxide quantum dots and tungsten oxide nanowires. The prepared tungsten oxide nanowires are a very good absorbing material. The main processes are as follows:

(1)First, 0.0667 g tungsten hexachloride was dissolved in 12 ml absolute ethanol, and golden clarified tungsten hexachloride ethanol solution was obtained after stirring.

(2)Transfer the solution prepared by step (1) into the sealed polytetrafluoroethylene tank and put it into the hydrothermal reactor. The hydrothermal solution is prepared by hydrothermal treatment for 10 hours at 200 ℃. The solution includes tungsten oxide quantum dots, tungsten oxide nanowires, ethanol reactants and water, among which ethanol reactants include ether and ethanol. Hydrogen chloride and a small amount of water;

(3)When the solution after hydrothermal treatment is naturally reduced to room temperature, the PTFE tank in the hydrothermal reactor is taken out and the solution in the PTFE tank is taken out and put into the centrifugal tube. The centrifugal tube is symmetrically placed in the centrifuge and centrifuged for 15 minutes at a speed of 12,000 rpm. The solution after centrifugation is prepared. The upper layer is supernatant, which includes tungsten oxide quantum dots and ethanol reactants, and the lower layer is precipitation, which is tungsten oxide nanowires.

(4)The supernatant of the centrifugal solution prepared in step (3) was dialyzed in a dialysis bag with a molecular weight of 500 for 24 hours, then ether, ethanol and hydrogen chloride were removed by dialysis to produce pure tungsten oxide quantum dot solution.

(5)Take the precipitation in step (3) and wash it with deionized water for 6 times, remove the impurities attached to the surface, and then freeze-dry the precipitation at - 50 ℃ for 24 hours to prepare tungsten oxide nanowires.

The tungsten oxide nanowires fabricated by the above methods are very good absorbing materials. They can be used in the fields of electromagnetic masking technology and stealth materials technology. They can improve the compatibility of electromagnetic equipment, strengthen the protection of information technology and better protect the health of personnel operating electromagnetic radiation equipment.


