Recent Ferrotungsten Markets Steady Low Consolidation Mainly Small Domestic Manufacturers to Stop Production Increased Ferrotungsten


Recent ferrotungsten markets steady low consolidation-based, price volatility is not small domestic manufacturers to stop production increased tungsten iron, tungsten, iron smelting in production manufacturers offer relatively strong long week, 70 ferrotungsten Acceptances 178,000 yuan / ton in the vicinity, Specifically go by volume, cash transactions 175,000 yuan / ton, take the goods turnover in general.

Domestic demand into the season, but recently received a slight increase in overseas orders, for two main reasons: first, because of political unrest and anti-Chinese riots of Vietnam affect male star Tungsten (Vietnam Youngsun Tungsten) announced that, taking into account the safety of factory workers in China will be pause tungsten iron production, supply and therefore tense ferrotungsten Asia; Second, Europe and other places will usher in the July summer break, many foreign companies plan to purchase in advance.

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