Tungsten Disulfide Powder Used in Parts Sandblasting

Tungsten disulfide powder with good lubricating performance is usually used in parts sandblasting so as to improve the mechanical properties of the parts themselves. Tungsten disulfide powder can adhere tightly to parts with the aid of sandblasting.

tungsten disulfide powder image

Sandblasting cleans and coarsens the surface of the substrate by the impact of high-speed sand flow. As a surface modifying technique, it is driven by compressed air to form a high-speed jet beam, which sprays the material (copper ore sand, quartz sand, alumina, etc.) into the surfaces of the parts and changes the surface shapes of them. Because of the cutting action of abrasives, the parts surfaces become cleaner and coarser. Moreover, the mechanical property of the parts is improved.

sandblasting process image

Tungsten disulfide powder can be used in parts sandblasting. It involves the following steps:

Step One: Clean and degrease the parts. The cleaner the parts, the better the adhesion of the coating.

Step Two: Sandblast the parts with alumina powder of 5 microns. And nothing else is needed in this step.

Step Three: Clean the parts thoroughly with soft cloth or cotton paper, and remove the alumina dust thoroughly from the parts.

Step Four: Sandblast the parts with tungsten disulfide powder under 120 psi through clean and cold pneumatic air, until the color turns silver gray.

Step Five: Wipe tungsten disulfide powder dust with clean soft cloth or paper towel.

Sandblasting of alumina and tungsten disulfide should be carried out in different sandblasting equipment. If the sandblasting equipment is equipped with a powder recovery system, tungsten disulfide powder can be reused. And fine filters must be installed on the equipment. The whole sandblasting process should be carried out in a closed area, because dust may be contained. In a word, sandblasting parts with tungsten disulfide powder is simple, time-saving and of great benefit.


