China Rare Earth Industry Association executive director of the next seven will be held successfully

December 9, China Rare Earth Industry Association executive session will be held in seven Chinese Academy of Engineering. Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Rare Earth Industry Association chairman Gan Yong, the Ministry of Raw Materials Division (RE Office) Shi Ruiting Deputy Director, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Land Management Division of Mineral Development Sanyu Gang, Ministry of Commerce Foreign Trade Division Deputy Director Li Qian, the NDRC Department of Industry, Comrade Jian Cheng, Ministry of Environmental Protection pollution Prevention Division, Comrade Zhou Qi and executive director of the Association attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the chairman Gan Yong.

At the meeting, Secretary-General of the Association Marong Zhang made a "business operation in 2014 and the work of the association summary" report, for 2014 explained the operation of the industry, reported the work of the association in 2014, and made the focus in 2015.

Association Deputy Secretary-General Wang iron, Wangde Yong, Chen Zhanheng were made "recommendations on rare earth production increase was in 2015 mandatory plan" and "recommendation on the suspension of rare earth resources tax adjustment", "on the establishment of case detection and reporting standards branch" "About 2015 international exhibition of achievements in the preparations for the rare earth industry to report" report. Association of Assistant General Department made red white geese "on new developments in the case of a member of the description", "on the part of representatives and executive director unit name change notice", "on the 2014 annual collection of contributions note" of the report.

Representatives of various ministries as well as the executive director of the Association were on the rare earth industry development status, problems and report on the work of the Association conducted a heated discussion.

Gan Yong, president made a concluding speech. First, the entire rare earth industry has entered the track of healthy development, but also affect the development of black chain industry, to continue to intensify the crackdown. Resources tax and the reserves should be carefully considered. Second, the rare earth functional materials have been included in major projects and major national projects, to continue to increase support for the rare special policies. Third, we should actively develop rare earth applications. The development of rare earth materials is the major industry in the propellant, the rare earth is not only the industrialized materials, it is material information.

Finally, Gan Yong, president of the Association Secretariat also requests, hoping to better services for government and industry, and make joint efforts for the rare earth industry healthy, stable and sustainable development.

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