Shanxi Province to carry out special operations illegal behavior of rare earth

Accordance with the relevant national requirements, Provincial Commission by letter, the Provincial Public Security Department, provincial committee decided to launch eight departments rare special action illegal. December 4, from the Provincial Commission by letter that the province Taiyuan, Yangquan, Yuncheng combat rare earth mining, production, distribution and illegal behavior of special campaigns to make arrangements. A total of 10 three cities included in the list of enterprises require verification companies, including Taiyuan wide of Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd. "list."

According to reports, the city will organize relevant departments of the rare earth production, distribution companies one by one verification. Focus on the implementation of the total production of rare earth smelting and separation of corporate control verification plan situation. For unplanned, ultra planned production companies, immediately ordered to stop, and the enterprises shall declare the relevant state funds to support projects to reduce next year's plan; for without EIA approval documents, filings or safety evaluation reach the relevant national requirements of the enterprise, immediately ordered to stop production for rectification, can not be stable discharge of pollutants, and to legally pursue the rectification and sewage charges; illegal acquisition of rare earth minerals, confiscate illegal rare earth minerals and illegal income and punished; for non-payment of VAT shall pay the VAT, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the payment fines and penalties; to not explain the source of minerals, rare earth mineral resources require companies to provide proof of full payment of taxes is not provided by the local tax authorities recovered; the sale of illegal rare earth mine product of an individual or business to investigation according to law.

Special action also requires that municipalities should work together with the Commission by letter land, tax, business and other departments to find out the local rare earth minerals business procurement, production and sales, business enterprise procurement and sales of rare earth products. On this basis, the establishment of rare earth production and operation records, to grasp the business sale of rare earth minerals, processing and sales information.

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