40% of the world's supply of rare earths from China illegal mining of rare earth

Since China says 40 percent of the market are from the illegal supply of rare earth rare earth mining since the rare earth industry personnel abroad are very worried, especially knowing that China will have to take action against this 40% after the illegal exploitation, to Australia RE expert Dudley Kingsnorth said: in 2020, consumption of rare earth permanent magnet industry accounted for 30% overall rare earth production, but at that time the world's supply of rare earths comes from China 70%, his question is: "If China put all the illegal exploitation of rare earths have hit out, then the Chinese how to make up for the lack of these illegal rare earth supply shortage arising? "Dudley Kingsnort references views China's rare earth industry experts said that although foreign companies and molybdenum Carolina has two rare earth enterprises However, China still accounted for in the world's supply of rare earth dominance, although there have been price crisis in 2010, China's rare earth supply by 2013 accounted for 95% of the world, fell to 2014 accounted for 90% of the world, but foreign rare earth supply crisis far from being resolved.

High-performance rare earth permanent magnet is currently the most important consumer market, but also the next five years, the most important consumer market

Rare-earth elements of neodymium, dysprosium, terbium, and praseodymium is used as an important element of the magnetic field important technology such as wind power, the use of the electric vehicle in the world.

China is not only an important supplier of these elements, while also providing permanent magnetic materials for companies such as Siemens and General Electric.

"China is rapidly reducing the illegal mining. Chinese government certainly does not like any undocumented mining activity takes place, because the illegal exploitation will generate a lot of waste, damage to the environment, while the impact of a large-scale mining companies as well as under the Chinese legal carefully selected and cultured RE generation international supplier interests.

China will have its own way outside the grounds of illegal mining of rare earth industry's dependence on the illicit origin may be ended prematurely or significantly reduced many. This begs the question of foreign trade are most concerned about: "Due to a lack of investment in the new global resources, once China's illegal rare earths to be eliminated, how to deal with the shortage of international buyers of rare earth supply?


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Foreign media said China is difficult to maintain control of the global rare earths market

Beijing on October 21 morning news, according to reports, a former adviser to the United States Department of Defense said, in view of the rare earth resource utilization efficiency and improve the user to explore alternative sources, China may be difficult to maintain control over the global rare earths market.

2010, Chinese restrictions on rare earth supply and exports, leading to soaring prices of rare earth, rare earth mining company's share price rose sharply.

In many advanced technologies, lanthanum, dysprosium and other rare earth elements play an indispensable role. As of 2010, China controls 97 percent of global rare earth supplies.

However, since that time, rare earth prices began to decline, while the American company Molycorp, Australia Lynas Corporation shares also will decline.

University of Texas economist Eugene Hodes had during the 2010 to 2012 worked at the United States Department of Defense to study rare problem. He pointed out in a report, leading to more investment in rare earth prices higher than Chinese manufacturers in other countries harvest.

Molycorp has restarted California rare earth production, while Lynas Corporation in helping the Government of Japan, setting up factories in Malaysia.

Less than the main suppliers in China and other light rare earth lanthanum and praseodymium, dysprosium and europium and other heavy rare earths supply. However, China's export restrictions so that is not entirely valid, some small producers can still rare earth exports to other countries.

In addition, other countries also enhance the ability to handle rare. Rhodia has available from Molycorp and Lynas Corporation's supply of heavy rare earth ore extracted. If cost-effective, then the production of heavy rare earths Africa and China may increase.

In addition, the customer is still rare to find ways to reduce demand. For example, electric vehicles require a large amount of Dy as an additive to the art of the magnet, but can be significantly reduced in other areas, the use of dysprosium.

Currently, a joint venture by Hitachi Mitsubishi, Daido Steel (Daido Steel) and Molycorp tripartite joint venture is to create a low-dysprosium magnet factory.

Commercial areas can reduce the use of rare earth to make room for strategic purposes. Eugene • Hodes said the situation in the past several years indicates that the user is no need to panic.

He said: "The government's concerns about the industry as an opportunity to make money." Due to the global supply of rare earth nervousness subsided, rare earth prices have also suffered setbacks. With lanthanum oxide, for example, the price from 2011 all the way down to $ 16.26 per kilogram in 2014 low of $ 3.24 in the second quarter.

2012, Molycorp company reported losses of $ 450 million, and in 2013 suffered another $ 386 million in losses. However, if China is trying to tighten export volume of rare earth again, rare earth producers will inevitably gains decent profit.


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America intends to recover rare earth elements from coal

According to 2014 consolidated appropriations bill, the U.S. Congress requires its Department of Energy (doe) to carry out "from coal and coal byproduct streams (such as fly ash, coal gangue and waste water) in the economic recovery of rare earth elements," the feasibility assessment and analysis, while report its findings, if it is determined feasible, the planning recovered from years of research and development programs of rare earth elements in coal and coal byproduct stream to obtain congressional funding.

In response, doe sent a request for information (rfi) before, its purpose is to find technical information about the recycling of rare earth elements from coal and coal by-products of the most promising. Candidate must be a high-performance technology, economically viable and environmentally friendly, suitable for large-scale testing or current current development stage, is expected to carry out a large-scale test in 2020 to 2025 to carry out the deployment.

doe had previously invested $ 120 million was established association of key materials laboratory, trying to seek to reduce dependence on Chinese rare earths, comprising: increasing domestic rare earth production; study of rare earth substitute materials; encourage reuse and recycling of rare earth, rare earth products are usually not included and then discarded after use.

China accounted for 36 percent of global rare earth reserves, but supplies 95% of global production. Previously, the EU also hopes more rare earth metals and precious metal recovery from waste electronic and electrical products.


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Japan's rare earth plant ownership transfer to Jamaica

Jamaica News Agency News, October 9, Nippon Light Metal Holdings Ltd. (NLM) officially handed over to the Jamaica Bauxite Institute in dental investment into rare earth plant ownership (JBI).

The plant investment by Nippon Light Metal Company 600,000,000 teeth dollars (about 5.4 million U.S. dollars) to build, broke ground in February 2013, be completed early in 2014, after the completion of planned annual output 1500 tons of rare earth. But rare poor market conditions, the business cooperation was once suspended.

The next two years, Nippon Light Metal Company will continue to provide tooth extracted from bauxite residue RE


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Preparation of ultra-high purity rare earth environmental technology research Breakthrough

China is the world's largest rare earth metal and alloy producer and supplier countries, but in the technical aspects of the preparation of ultra-high purity rare earth metals are relatively backward.

To this end, "Twelve Five" period, 863 to set up the "ultra-high purity rare earth metals and alloys prepared by energy saving technology" topic in the field of new materials technology, led by the Beijing General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals bear. After several years of research, the subject made ​​a series of significant progress, and in late June this year, the Ministry of Science passed the acceptance of experts organized.

By preparing rare earth metals, integrated innovation purification technology and equipment, ultra-pure rare earth metal preparation key breakthrough technology, independent design and development of ultra-high-vacuum distillation furnace, cold crucible melting furnace area, 14 sets of special purification equipment, to develop complete sets of ultra-high purity rare earth metals engineering technology; prepared 13 kinds of ultra-pure rare earth metals, which thulium, erbium, ytterbium, dysprosium four kinds of absolute purity rare earth metals 99.993% -99.995%, and rhenium (RE), carbon (C ), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H) and other 60 kinds of impurity content of less than 50-70ppm. Independent research group developed new energy saving ten thousand amps and rare earth metal scale key cell preparation techniques, completely changed the existing cell structure, through the low slot piezoelectric intelligent control solution and the electrolysis process, to achieve power consumption down to six degree / kg or less, more than 45% reduction in energy consumption, reduce consumption of rare earth fluoride and fluorine-containing flue gas volume of about 50%. In addition, the group also discussed the preparation of low-temperature molten salt electrolysis price change of magnesium-lithium alloy and samarium Sm price change of aluminum-lithium alloy technology to carry out research and development projects and made significant progress, you can replace the current high energy consumption, high pollution and variable price magnesium alloy rare earth rare earth production technology, significantly reducing manufacturing costs samarium (Sm) and other rare earth elements price change, has achieved 100-ton scale applications in the production line.

Implementation of the "ultra-high purity rare earth metals and alloys prepared by energy saving technology," the subject, so that our ultra high purity rare earth in preparation technologies and products, through independent innovation breakthrough in the long-standing foreign technology blockade, enhance the quality of China's rare earth products and added value, effectively enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises, and promote China's rare earth industry to green direction electrolysis growing.


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RE rectify the leadership of the State Council to give special instructions 1 + 5 program intensified reshuffle

Eight ministries jointly issued a document remediation rare earth industry, under attack "black rare," the storm, the industry companies are also GeZongLianHeng seize resources.

October 13 evening, Hongda Industrial announcement, said the proposed acquisition of Baotou City of Mao 100% stake in rare earths and rare earths in Baotou City, voted to build deep processing and application industry chain project. At the same time, as a large group of rare earth north strong contender, Baotou Steel Rare Earth also announced the same day, signed an agreement with Hongda Industry, and to get 0.4% stake in Gansu Rare Earth.

It is worth noting that in the industry the company actively layout for more upstream resources, the new policy also allows a large number of capacity threshold standards of the company had failed to eliminate this.

Ministry in August this year, released in 2014 industries and eliminate backward and excess capacity in the list of enterprises (second batch), involving a total including steel, iron alloy, copper smelting, lead-acid batteries, rare earth and other dozens of industry total 132 enterprises, of which, rare earth enterprises a total of 28.

When the rare earth industry to accept more than 21 Century Business Herald reporter said, as formulated by the Ministry early this year, "a + 5" program to promote large Rare Earth Group, the current mergers and acquisitions of domestic rare earth industry has undoubtedly been heating up, six large rare earth giants of the industry structure has also been previews profile.

"Now the north and south of the rare earth companies are seeking ways to get more resources, at the same time, local governments also have their own demands, coupled with the regulatory authorities also launched a new round of campaigns, 'shuffle' storm of the industry will continue. "Baotou rare Earth, a company executive told the 21st Century Business Herald reporter.

Help reverse the industrial decline

MLR official website shows, recently, the Ministry of Public Security, the Department of Homeland eight ministries jointly issued a document, the decision since October 2014 to March 2015 31 日 in the fight against illegal rare earth mining, production, distribution, export and other four links special action law violations. RE focus on priority areas also investigated 2-3 typical cases according to invoices and reports and other clues.

According to the implementation plan, the special action will be divided into self-examination period (2014 年 October 10 to November 25), the rectification period (November 26 to January 31, 2015), the acceptance period (2015 February 1 to March 31) in three stages.

China Rare Earth Association, said that China's rare earth export policy is facing a change, this time eight ministries together again to rectify the rare earth industry, and it lasts up to six months will help reverse the current rare earth prices decline.

"On one hand there is the impact of rare earth prices declining overseas demand, but illegal mining, smuggling is another key factor leading to falling prices, although last eight ministries have jointly rectify once, but because in some areas of local government resources supervision, execution ineffective, illegal trading and processing of tax evasion and other phenomena can never stop. "The Chinese rare Earth Society sources said.

21st Century Business Herald, the latest data available show that from January to August this year, China's total exports of 18,700 tons of rare earth, representing cumulative growth of 39%, the growth rate continued to slow. And after the National Day, the severity of rare earth oxide prices fell 2.01 percent and 2.03 percent respectively, the main varieties of praseodymium, neodymium, dysprosium, terbium, europium, cerium, lanthanum, 2014, respectively, is down 4.1%, 18.55%, 30.14%, 48.35 %, 39.58%, 35.42%, the highest year lows.

In fact, since 2010, rare earth prices began to fall sharply, the North leading companies also had to shut down the Baotou Rare Earth to seek ways to protect the price, but even so, in the private sector dig Luancai, smuggling and other illegal chaos intensified, the informal enterprises living space has thus suffered a severe squeeze, and continues today.

2012 Ministry has spearheaded several special rectification actions were destroyed illegal mining of rare earth 14 points, closed beneficiation, smelting and separation enterprises 20, off discontinued capacity of about 30,000 tons, but not completely cut except sword remediation industry chaos unplanned exploration and production of rare earth still impact on the normal market order.

One year later, in 2013, the Ministry of many ministries together again resorted to "corrective order" short-term rebound after rare-earth prices, the illegal exploitation of other phenomena, reappeared in several major domestic resource gathering area in Jiangxi, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan.

And compared to the previous two to rectify the Association, who then told reporters that the rectification has been led by the State Council, special instructions, also called an unprecedented reform efforts, in addition, the source also revealed that, at this stage, regulators are preparing to introduce "rare management Regulations", but also the legal aspects of the ordinance will promote regulatory rare earth industry to establish long-term mechanism.

Multi-pronged "beachhead"

In addition to industry-specific consolidation, mergers and acquisitions and a large group of rare earth strategy is also accelerating.

The announcement from Hongda Industry shows that the company intends to invest in Baotou City "rare earth deep processing and application industry chain" project, through the integration of new or existing production enterprises in Baotou City, annual production capacity of 100,000 tons of rare earth additives and catalysts, an annual output of 1,000 tons of rare earth pigments and other production projects.

And in order to obtain the rare earth material supply, Hongda Industrial respectively Baotou Rare Earth Co., Ltd. of Mao and all shareholders signed a "letter of intent", and Baotou Steel shares (2.88,0.02,0.70%) signed a "strategic cooperation framework agreement "and the Baotou rare Earth signed a" strategic cooperation agreement rare earth industry. "Under the agreement, the company intends to acquire up to 100% stake in rare earths Mao and Mao RE investment through the establishment of a new processing plant in Baotou Steel shares Barun area, Baotou Steel shares to the company promised to provide about 200,000 tons of iron ore per year. In addition, Hongda Industrial will after the acquisition of a wholly-owned mao 20% stake in rare earths and Mao held up some 0.4 percent stake in Gansu Rare Earth Rare Earth New Materials Co., Ltd give Baotou Rare Earth, Baotou Steel Rare Earth places supply of raw materials, access to the market as the price, and promised to provide 20,000 tons of rare earth concentrates of rare earth after integration of Mao annually.

In fact, Hongda Industrial and Rare-Earth is the rare earth industry is just the left and right, one company representative sudden.

21st Century Business Herald reporter learned that, as the rare earth market in southern Another key enterprises, Sheng and resources (20.58, -0.24, -1.15%) also last month and Arafura Resources Ltd. signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" the two sides will also conduct in-depth negotiations once again within the valid period of the memorandum, promote the establishment of cooperative relations.

"In accordance with requirements of the Ministry of Industry, before the end of this year to complete all the integration work large rare earth group, so in the final stage, we are all means to snatch the right to speak." Above the Baotou Rare Earth business people told 21st Century Business Herald reporter.

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Rare earth prices dip, unprofitable enterprises

At present, the majority of the rare earth market prices low volatility, lack of market demand for digestion, purchasing lower prices, partly reflecting the profit upside down supplier, shipping will is not strong.

Such as erbium oxide market Ganzhou area suppliers said this week 99.5% purity erbium oxide with ticket prices have dropped to 255,000 / ton, today there are businesses that received 99.9% erbium oxide procurement inquiries, but the purchase price is very low , with tickets only available to 260,000 yuan / ton, for such a low price, the businessmen said production at a loss, no profit.

Europium, terbium thin market conditions continue, merchants offer is not active, because the current difference in price in recent years has been low, the magnitude and speed of the downward price has been reduced, for the price trend of late, there are businesses that short period of low volatility or continue to dip still difficult to rise sharply.

Lanthanum, cerium products market, current market prices are still low steady, stable in dilute Exchange Association and the Baotou Rare Earth Cerium oxide recent price or slightly lower, basic prices are around 15,000 or more, according to the market, traders said 3N lanthanum oxide, cerium oxide with ticket prices stable at around 1.4,1.35 yuan / ton.

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Hunan Jianghua seizure of more than 40 wells in the illegal exploitation of rare earth ore End

September 8 to 15, Hunan Jianghua Yao Autonomous Xianzhengfawei, the Public Security Bureau, Land Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, River Road Town government and other nine departments joint action, dispatched 20 law enforcement officers, on River Road Town territory safflower source village Linjiacun illegal excavation of more than 40 rare earth mine tail illegal sand mining wells and one point on-site closed down, cut off the tail of illegal wells wires, punish the illegal miners.

River Road Town is located in the southernmost tip of Ganghwa, the town is rich in mineral resources, is one of the three major tin producing areas of Hunan, abundant rare earth ore reserves, mainly in the villages and safflower Linjiacun source, according to the detection, safflower source Village rare earth ore reserves amounted to 20,000 tons. Abundant mineral resources to attract a batch after batch of prospectors have occurred when the illegal exploitation behavior.

Create a favorable environment for mining, Jianghua county government smitten with strong carry & ldquo; fighting rule violation & rdquo; special action to crack down on illegal mining behavior.

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MIIT jointly issued by eight departments to combat illegal activities in rare special action program

MIIT website on October 11 announced the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Land, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Customs, Taxation, Business Administration, safety supervision bureau eight departments jointly issued the "special combat illegal behavior of rare earth Programme of Action. "

Program clear, the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to implement the relevant municipal people's government, county government regulatory responsibility, organization departments should of rare earth mining, production and distribution companies one by one verification, joint investigation of rare earth mining, illegal mining production, distribution companies, trading illegal minerals processing, tax evasion charges, billing and other illegal products off-site behavior, we should focus on priority areas investigated 2-3 RE typical cases according to invoices and reports and other clues.

For illegal rare earth mining behavior: focus on verification of rare earth mining and payment of taxes. Severely crack down on illegal poaching, cross-border exploitation, ultra indicators mining, environmental protection and other acts not approved the first building, ban illegal mining (recovery) mines, minerals and confiscate the illegal income; pursue the mining of rare earth enterprises fully paid VAT mineral resources compensation fees, taxes and taxes; clean up construction projects recycling of rare earth resources, without the approval or incomplete procedures ordered to stop.

For illegal rare earth production behavior: focus on the separation of rare earth smelting enterprises to perform the verification of total production control plan situation. For unplanned, ultra planned production enterprises, and immediately ordered to stop, and the enterprises shall declare relevant state funds to support projects to reduce next year's plan; without EIA approval of documents, filing documents or safety evaluation reach the relevant national requirements of the enterprise, immediately ordered to suspend production for rectification, not stable discharge of pollutants, and to legally pursue rectification and sewage charges; illegal acquisition of rare earth minerals, rare earth minerals and illegally confiscated illegal gains and punished; right not to pay VAT shall pay the value-added tax, according to the relevant provisions to pay fines and penalties; mineral sources that can not be explained, requires companies to provide full payment of the rare earth mineral resources tax proved unable to provide the recovery of the tax department; against illegal sale of rare earth minerals individuals or companies to investigation according to law.

& nbsp; For the circulation of illegal behavior: focus on the sale of rare earth minerals trade enterprises verifiable circumstances. The sale of illegal rare earth minerals, mineral products and illegal income confiscated by law and will be punished; right not to pay VAT should pay the value-added tax, according to the relevant provisions to pay fines and penalties; mineral sources that can not be explained, requires enterprises to provide proof of full payment of the mineral resource tax, can not provide the recovery of the tax authorities.

For the rare earth export enterprises Product Source: The by product of the production chain, verifiable sources of rare earth export their products until the mineral source. If the source is illegal rare earth minerals, exports of goods and confiscate the illegal income of all sectors involved, and punished; existence of evasion of VAT, tax on mineral resources, related links, the tax department recovered.

Special action plan clearly time for October 10, 2014 to March 31, 2015. Three stages:

Self-examination stage: 10 October to 25 November

Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) People's Government organized relevant departments and local governments, carefully verify the rare earth mining, smelting and separation of production and trade since June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014, the sales data and other information, to the enterprise each site verification, fill out checklists and summary table (see Annex 3), to deal with problems in the enterprise proposed scheme, on November 25, the Ministry of industry and Information Technology reported a few days ago.

Rectification stage: November 26 to January 31, 2015

Local people's governments organize relevant departments to immediately investigate business problems and ordered rectification, complete verification summary rectify the situation (see Annex 4). Investigate and rectification on January 31, 2015 communicated to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Acceptance summary: Year 2015 February 1 to March 31

Around on this special action for acceptance, for the rectification of the project has been completed to verify the control reform program acceptance; unfinished rectification and closed, and to explain the reasons and clear rectification completion time; discovery of dereliction of duty, collusion behavior, timely submit discipline inspection and supervision departments. Around on March 31, 2015 report will summarize the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Rectification process, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly with relevant departments and central media consisting of the Joint Inspection Unit, check the special action around the progress on the issue of illegal activities involving rare serious cases to supervise the handling of cases of illegal trading of minerals regional coordination traced. After the special action, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will be summed up with the relevant departments of the State Council special action cases.

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Rare-earth prices, less the actual volume

RE steady dull market today, vendors offer a continuation of the day before, although there are businesses that offer did not move, but the actual transaction price is still down in the process. Part of the market price gap is widening, such as praseodymium neodymium metal, there are individual businesses reflect the actual transaction price has 36.5-37 yuan / ton, but also offer high at 38-39 yuan / ton situation. According to a factory in Ganzhou area, said the transaction price is now at about 375,000 yuan / ton, lower supply prices may come from recycled material sintering. According to Ningbo area scrap recycler praseodymium neodymium metal prices reflect not only fell, trading volume is less, the local merchants to disclose the current scrap price 78-80 N35 box yuan / kg. Currently dysprosium iron market stable and little decrease, Ganzhou manufacturers have said that now the actual transaction price of about 1.44 million yuan / ton. The same areas that the current supplier dysprosium oxide, dysprosium with 1.4 million votes, with no votes around 1.22 million yuan / ton. Europium, terbium oxide market has been little change in the near future, according to some traders now europium oxide reflects slightly lower 200 yuan / kg than terbium oxide, with no votes at about 2000 yuan / kg.

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