Cutting Tool Applications Aid in Machining Tungsten Heavy Alloys

Tungsten Products supplies a number of industries with a difficult-to-machine material--tungsten heavy alloys. The heavy alloy products produced by the company provide a special combination of density, mechanical strength, machinability, corrosion resistance and economy. Unfortunately, the positive aspects of this material can also provide some unique challenges during machining.

Randy Shank, Stellram service engineer, and Nick Gaten, global milling manager, recently improved Tungsten Products' machining operation with some new grades and geometries. A new high positive, -441 milling geometry, along with a shell mill using octagonal inserts, was tested on a rotary-wing aerospace part for reducing vibration and counterbalancing. This new geometry, designed for aluminum and titanium operations, provides freer cutting and reduces the "suction effect" normally associated with higher helical geometries.

Machining tungsten heavy alloy is similar to machining gray cast iron, because the material is highly abrasive, with the chips being discontinuous. Carbide tools should be used for milling, turning and drilling. Cutting speeds and feeds arc generally less than when machining cast iron, and the use of coolant is suggested for roughing but is not required when finishing. Unlike machining cast irons, where chipbreakers arc rarely needed, tungsten requires positive edges to prevent edge build-up.

Many of Tungsten Products' customers are in the medical and aerospace field and require extremely tight tolerances. Applications for these materials range from therapeutic medical radiation shielding, aerospace weights and counterbalances, helicopter rotor applications, and down hole logging, to recreational applications such as golfing, racing and firearms.

A new precision ground geometry from Stellram, the 3F, offered a perfect solution for some of the precision machining required on these components. The 3F, like the 441 milling geometry, is a high positive geometry with sharp edges and small nose radii. It is intended for high temperature alloys and aluminum.

This geometry, along with a new TiAIN grade, SP3 064, and a 0.003 inch nose radius, increased tool life by nine to 12 times. Another turning application with the same geometry and grade allowed a 20 percent increase in speed and a 50 percent increase in feed with 40 percent longer tool life.


Tungsten Alloy Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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Tungsten Heavy Alloy

Tungsten Heavy Alloy products are offered as machinable blanks or as precision machined parts to customer specification and used in many different applications as listed below.

•Counterbalance for Vibration Dampening
•Aircraft control surfaces
•Helicopter rotor Systems
•Engine components
•Auto racing industry
•Ship ballasts
•Golf club weights
•Fire arms
•Down hole logging-Sinker bars
•Boring bars
•Ordnance application
•Bucking Bars

Tungsten Heavy Alloy Ballast Weight
Tungsten Heavy Alloy is superior to lead in terms of durability, dimensional stability, density and low toxicity. Tungsten Heavy Alloy does not suffer from the radioactivity or high chemical reactivity of depleted uranium.

Aircraft counterbalance weights and inertial masses
Tungsten Heavy Alloy has been the preferred material in the aerospace industry for many years as counterbalance weight for ailerons, rudders, and elevator parts for fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Tungsten Heavy Alloy weights are typically machined to precise tolerances and are provided with a protective coating to the customer specification.

Down hole well logging casings and weights
Well logging is widely used in the oil and gas industry for the characterization of wells (formation analysis) and in the positioning of downhole equipment. Tungsten Heavy Alloy is an excellent casing material for down hole logging of oil and gas. Mechanical properties are very significant to the survivability of these rather large components.

Bucking Bars
Tungsten Heavy Alloy bucking bars are denser than steel, resulting in a bucking bar of the same weight but half the size. Bucking bars are used in rivet setting to upset the shank of the rivet. Tungsten Heavy Alloy bucking bars reduce the recoil when reflecting the impact back to the rivet shank.

Racing weights for chassis and skid plates
Tungsten Alloy is used by professional racing teams to fine-tune the chassis in a variety of racing forums. Tungsten Heavy Alloy offers up to 50% more weight in a given volume, with the added advantages of direct attachment via threaded holes and the freedom from deformation.

Boring bars and high stiffness tooling
The combined high density, high elastic (Young’s) modulus, and machinability of Tungsten Heavy Alloy make them ideal materials for chatter free boring bars and grinding quills. High extension rations are possible due to the high stiffness of this material. The high density of Tungsten Heavy Alloy makes for effective inertial damping of cutting induced vibration. Grade HA170 or HA175 Tungsten Heavy alloy are most commonly used.

Sporting goods for firearms and golf clubs
Tungsten Heavy Alloy concentrates maximum weight in the smallest possible space. Use in golf clubs and tennis rackets increases the sweet spot size and adds the stability while reducing shock and vibration for increased power and control. Counterbalance fine tuning and inertial masses to shift through center of gravity.

Tungsten Heavy Alloy has been used in high density fragmenting devices and armor piercing ammunition rounds.

Advantages of Tungsten Heavy Alloy’s Shielding
Use not subject to NRC, EPA, or special OSHA regulations
High radiation absorption (superior to lead)
Low toxicity-safer than lead or depleted uranium: simplified life cycle
Easily machined into complex geometries
Hardness, strength, and ductility make for good durability
Good corrosion resistance

Additional Industrial/Commercial/Medical Applications
Nuclear power plant shielding
Nuclear medicine
Clinical point shielding
X-ray collimators and area shielding
Isotope production, transport, and containment
Oncology Isotopic and accelerator based platforms
Homeland Defense-
            Personal protection equipment for emergency responders
            Large container inspection devices

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Tungsten Alloy Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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Dart Flights

Flights are the fins or wings found at the back of a dart. It is used to stabilize your dart in the air. Flights are available in a vast selection of colors, sizes and materials. There is no "correct" or "best" flight shape. It depends on your personal throw which flight to choose. Selecting the proper flight for your darts is a trial-error process. 

Soft flights are made of a flexible plastic sheet, preprinted with a variety of designs and then folded into shape. Adhesive (glue) holds the layers of plastic together. A benefit of this type of flight is that a soft flight will often flex out of the way if another dart hits it. These flights are available in hundreds of bright, attractive designs. Also known as "Reseal Flights".

Hard flights are made of stiff polyester plastic that holds shape well. The layers are permanently sealed together by heat during production. Hard Flights do not flex like soft flight when hitting, but do "pop off" the shaft when hitting another dart. This is desirable as it reduces deflection and allows tight groups. Hard Flights were originally made of a clear plastic, which resulted in fairly dull colors in printed designs.

Nylon flights are the most durable type of flights. These dart flights are very hard to tear. The stiffness varies according to the weight and type of fabric used by the manufacturer, but is roughly midway between soft and hard flights. Since rips top nylon fabric is a thicker material, it is important to pry open the slots on the shaft for a properly loose fit to avoid damage to the flight. Nylon Flights are available in solid colors and dozens of printed designs.


Tungsten Alloy Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Getting Tungsten Disulfide to Stick

Tungsten disulfide is commonly known by its chemical formula, WS2. Tungsten disulfide can be used as a dry lubricant for mechanical parts, and is often preferred because it can be used within a wide range of temperatures and will not introduce contaminants into the machinery. Sandblasting equipment can be used to apply the lubricant. Otherwise, WS2 can be applied with a buffing wheel. If the WS2 can be mixed with wet lubricants in your application, it may be added to oil or other lubricants. If you are applying WS2 to small parts, a tumbler may be used.


Clean the part with a rag to get all of the grease off.

Mix the tungsten disulfide powder with rubbing alcohol in a small glass jar. Start by pouring in just a small amount of alcohol and mixing thoroughly with a spoon. Keep pouring more alcohol until you have a grey paste.

Spread the paste onto the part and the buffing wheel. Allow them some time to dry thoroughly.

Turn on the wheel and press the part up against it, turning the part and buffing it until the part is coated a grey color.

Clean the part with a rag to get all of the grease off.

Put several of your small parts or bullets into the empty aspirin bottle.

Fill the bottle three-quarters of the way up with tungsten disulfide.

Place the bottle in the tumbler. Turn the tumbler on for approximately five hours.

Add Tungsten Disulfide to Lubrication
Clean the part with a rag to get all of the grease off.

Mix some tungsten disulfide in with fresh lubrication, oil or grease.

Grease the part, change the oil oar and apply the new lubrication. The tungsten disulfide will slowly coat the parts as the lubrication moves through the machinery.

Sand Blasting
Clean the part with a rag to get all of the grease off.

Blast the part with a light layer of aluminum oxide.

Clean the part off with a clean soft cloth so there is no trace of aluminum oxide powder.

Set the sand blaster to 120 PSI and to cold pneumatic air. Blast the tungsten disulfide onto the part until the part becomes a silver-grey color.

Clean the excess tungsten disulfide dust off with another clean cloth. Do not rub too hard or you will remove the powder.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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About Tungsten Jewelry

Tungsten jewelry has gained popularity due to both the modern look that the metal provides and its ability to resist scratching and bending.

Tungsten, also known as wolfram, is a gray transition metal that is mined in Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Along with its use in jewelry, the element is also used in electric lamps, X-rays and in the development of spacecraft.

In its raw state, tungsten is a very brittle metal that can be easily cut with a hacksaw. In order to create jewelry such as a ring or bracelet from tungsten, it must be strengthened. This is achieved by combining tungsten powder with carbon and another metal such as nickel or cobalt.

Due to the weight of tungsten jewelry, it is not typically used in earrings and pendants. It is more common to find tungsten carbide in rings, bracelets and watches. Jewelry made from tungsten will resist scratching, bending and stretching better than gold or silver.

Tungsten carbide jewelry features a darker hue that can be polished to resemble hematite. When mixed with nickel, the resulting appearance is similar to that of platinum.

Due to the metal's ability to maintain shape and shine over time, very little care is required for tungsten jewelry. Retailers of tungsten carbide jewelry caution against cleaning with chemicals or with ultrasonic cleaners, suggesting soap and water instead.


Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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Could Tungsten Rings Be Resized?

Tungsten is an extremely durable metal that makes a great alternative for a mens ring. It cannot be scratched, bent or wore down making it a sought after option for a wedding band. However, one of the drawbacks to the tungsten ring is that it cannot be sized once the ring is made. Caring and correct sizing will ensure you order the correct finger size.

What is Tungsten
Tungsten is a very hard, brittle, grey to white metal that is extremely corrosion resistant. The major sources of this metallic chemical element are in Russia, Austria, China and Portugal. It is extracted from minerals like scheelite and wolframite. It cannot be found in a pure from in nature. It is about ten times harder than 18k gold and five times harder than steel.

Resizing Tungsten
Because tungsten is extremely durable and hard, it is impossible to resize. You will need to get your finger sized correctly and order the ring in that size. Most jewelry retailers include or offer a lifetime warranty on tungsten rings that includes free ordering of new sizes if your finger changes in size.

Tungsten is so durable that it won't wear down, bend or scratch. It has a high resistance tarnish and holds a shine once it is polished. It is also hypoallergenic. Due to its durability and scratch resistance, tungsten is a great alternative for men who work heavily with their hands.

Tungsten is heavy and the weight of it may feel heavy on your finger. It cannot be resized if you needed a new size in the future. You will need to order a whole new ring if you need a different size. Tungsten cannot be engraved like gold or silver but can be laser etched for an additional price. In the case of an emergency, tungsten cannot be cut off your finger.

Cleaning and Care
Tungsten rings will need to be polished with cloth if smudges and fingerprints incur. It does not scratch but may look like if it is accidentally rubbed up against something else. If this happens, use a soft tooth brush and liquid soap to brush away the rubbings on the ring.


Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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How to Determine If Tungsten Carbide Contains Cobalt

Tungsten carbide is a common term used when discussing jewelry. However, tungsten carbide is used in a wide range of manufacturing processes. In many cases, tungsten carbide contains cobalt. Cobalt contains nickel and chromium. These chemicals can increases the chances of severe asthma and "hard metal lung" disease.
The average employee working with tungsten carbide does not have access to the testing equipment necessary to test for cobalt. However, thanks to government regulations, there is one way you can determine of the tungsten carbide you work with has cobalt in it.


Locate the packaging for all tools that use hardened metal tips such as end-mills, drill bits, cutters and saw blades.

Read the labels on the packaging. If the packaging indicates the tips of these tools are hardened carbide, they have cobalt mixed in with the alloy. As you use these tools, they wear down and create dust contaminated with cobalt.

Locate the packaging for any tungsten carbide raw materials. All raw materials have a "material safety data sheet." The MSDS must indicate all of the ingredients used in the manufacturer of the raw materials. If the carbide has cobalt in it, it is listed on the MSDS.


Tungsten Carbide Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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the Options of Tungsten Ring Sizing

Tungsten is an industrial metal traditionally used to make equipment for the aerospace and military industries. More recently, tungsten has been used to make rings. Tungsten rings are becoming more popular, especially for men's wedding rings, because of the metal's durability, sleek look and affordability.

One drawback to tungsten rings is that they cannot be resized. If you are interested in a tungsten ring, accurately measure your ring size before going through with the purchase. If your ring size does change, purchasing another tungsten ring will not cost you too much since the metal is more affordable than gold.

Tungsten is as strong as steel and about twice its weight. A tungsten ring's durability makes it a good choice for people who work with their hands or are just clumsy. However, tungsten's hardness prevents it from being resized. Due to its very high melting points, tungsten rings cannot be cut and melted back together like a gold ring.

Tungsten rings come in the same sizes as gold and silver rings. Women's rings range from sizes 3 to 9. Men's rings range from sizes 8 to 14. While tungsten rings come in the same sizes as rings made from traditional metals, this does not mean that a tungsten ring fits the same way. Most tungsten rings are made in comfort-fit design, where the inside of the ring is curved to provide a more comfortable feel. Since less metal touches the skin in a comfort-fit design, a men's size 10 tungsten ring may feel larger than a size 10 gold ring made in a straight-fit design. Some jewelers recommend ordering a tungsten ring a half size smaller than your gold ring size if the gold ring is a straight-fit design.

Since tungsten rings cannot be resized, accurately measuring your ring size is important to avoid another purchase. A ring should be tight enough that it does not slip off the finger by itself but loose enough that it comes off with a pull. If you do not know what your ring size is, any jeweler can measure your finger for a tungsten ring. Since most tungsten rings are made with a comfort-fit design, which feels larger than straight-fit design rings, it is important that you are measured specifically for a tungsten ring. A person's ring size may actually differ a bit depending on the time of day and weather. Fingers are smaller in the early morning when it is cold and expand as it gets warmer. Measuring your ring size several times a day and averaging them is one way to get the most accurate ring size.

If you purchased a tungsten ring in the wrong size, some jewelers have an exchange policy that allows you to exchange your ring for a different size within a certain time frame without any fees. Sometimes, weight gain or loss means that you need to purchase another ring several months or years after the initial purchase. Luckily, tungsten is more affordable than gold and platinum rings, allowing consumers to more easily replace their tungsten rings.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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the Raw Materials of Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten carbide is a synthetic compound created by placing a tungsten-based substance with a carbon-based organic compound such as methane or methanol. When done under the proper conditions, the result of this chemical reaction is a fine black powder, known as tungsten carbide, a remarkable end-product that has many industrial and aesthetic uses.

Expressed by the symbol "W," tungsten is a metallic element that is not found free in nature, but occurs in mineral ores such as wolframite or scheelite. When isolated to its pure form, tungsten has many desirable properties, such as a high tensile strength, low non-toxicity and a high melting point. As a result, tungsten is used as an metal alloy in manufacturing steel and other metal alloys. It is also a major ingredient in tungsten carbide.

Carbon is the other raw material of tungsten carbide. This common element is a major part of the biological world, where it forms many substances commonly found in both plants and animals. In the creation of tungsten carbide, methane or methanol often provides the source of carbon. In general, carbon is one of the most common elements, and in its metallic forms can also be the most versatile. This property reveals itself quite clearly when comparing two carbon minerals: graphite and diamonds.

Chemical Formulas
Tungsten carbide has two chemical formulas, WC and W2C. In the first example, tungsten and carbon combine in equal proportions to form tungsten carbide, sometimes referred to as just carbide. With the other formula, W2C, the ratio of tungsten to carbon is 2 to 1. With both these products, the final result is determined by the initial choice of compounds used to begin the chemical reaction.

Although the tungsten carbon compound usually forms as a black powder, the material can be formed into one of the hardest man-made substance. This unique quality makes certain that tungsten carbide finds use in numerous industrial applications. As a result, the material is fused under extreme heat to form the cutting edge in many industrial tools and machines. Tungsten carbide knife blades can also be used to make popular kitchen utensils. Even jewelers have found that the black powder converts into some very attractive jewelry items. Watches, bracelets and rings are some of the jewelry pieces that utilize carbide.


Tungsten Carbide Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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History of Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten is a resilient steel-gray metal, located in many different ores. While the metal was actually discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1781, its many uses weren't discovered until the early decades of the twentieth century. Tungsten carbide has been used in mining and mechanical applications--everything from light-bulb filaments and x-ray tubes to drill bits.

Scheele discovered a new acid which could be made from an ore called tungstenite--later known as scheelite. In 1783 Jose and Fausto Elhuyar managed to isolate and extract tungsten from the ore.

The Twenties and the Thirties
Tungsten carbide was used by the German company Osram in place of diamond drawing dies. Cemented carbide was invented and used for the cutting and milling of iron and steel.

Cobalt, Tantalum and Titanium
When combined with cobalt, titanium or tantalum, the material was strengthened. This made it very popular for use in cutting, milling and mining drills.

World War II
During the second World War, tungsten carbide was needed by both sides for its weaponry production. Portugal was valuable due to its supplies of of wolframite ore, a source of tungsten.

Expansion in Production
Tungsten carbide has become increasingly popular and in high demand throughout the decades, now presently producing up to almost 30,000 tons annually.

The Present Day
Isostatic pressure sintering, led to the development of tungsten which was even harder than before. Tungsten is used in tools, mining, weaponry and even jewelry.


Tungsten Carbide Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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