Central overweight Rare remediation rid of local protection

Given the rampant black chain of rare earth and other reasons, such as the South separated ion ore smelting enterprises to obtain more than 70% of unknown origin, individual local governments in violation of national industrial policy, rare earth smelting and separation of rare earth projects in excess of authority, or even condone illegal rare earth production, the central government is increase the earth's remediation efforts. Reporters learned that Southern city of Ganzhou Rare Earth subordinate Anyuan County leaders have a major problem due to underlying earth was dismissed.

Southern ion ore smelting enterprises

More than 70% of unknown origin

Evening of August 7, the Ministry prominently on its website officially released eight ministries "to combat rare earth mining, production, circulation of illegal behavior special action program."

"You look at the whole program of action, a one, very specific, and if this does not work, it may also have more stringent measures introduced." Yesterday at the Fifth China Baotou Rare Earth Industry Forum, a close Ministry sources told reporters the case said.

The Chinese Rare Earth Society Secretary General Ma Rongzhang presented at the Forum this year, the rare earth industry key issues, working with the program of action outlined quite consistent priorities and requirements, including the fight against illegal exploitation of rare earth acts, acts of illegal production rectification, cleaning waste products of rare earth recycling and comprehensive utilization of enterprise, against black interests chain.

In Ma Rongzhang seems rare black chain rampant very important reason is illegal profiteering drive.

According to its introduction, the current resource tax per ton of rare earth ore north in 5000 to 14,000 yuan, the South rare earth ore resources tax per tonne from 6000 to 36,000 yuan, plus a variety of resource tax per ton of ore taxes accounted for over 50% of the sales price; while potential illegal digging of private pay any taxes you can not get the 50% of the difference, even without considering the costs of environmental protection and social responsibility.

And because rare earth mine plans and production mandatory mandatory plans do not match, also left a separation plant demand for space, resulting in illegal mining of rare earth minerals private dug have sales going. 2012 Southern Minerals total 13,400 tons mandatory plan, south separating ore smelting enterprises to obtain 33,200 tons of mandatory plans. According to the statistical analysis of the Chinese Rare Earth Society, Southern ion ore in 2012 to produce at least 3.7 million tons, it could be projected south separating ion ore smelting enterprises to obtain more than 70% of unknown origin.

In the name of recycling

Smelting and separation of the real line

"In the name of the line recycling smelting separation of the real, which is trickery, it is absolutely impermissible." China Rare Earth Association, a management staff in an interview with reporters yesterday, the case emphasized.

According to Chinese Rare Earth Society statistics, waste recycling, 2012 NdFeB waste recycling 141,700 tons, the phosphor waste recycling 23,100 tons, 21,500 tons waste polishing powder. And part of comprehensive recycling business for illegal mining activities in the country isolated NdFeB annual output of 80000 tons of waste by 30 percent from about 24,000 tons, the phosphor annual output of 5,000 tons of waste to 30% from about 1500 tons; polishing powder years production of 15,000 tons, waste no more than 10,000 tons.

"So, there is not enough supply of these rare earths waste integrated waste recycling business process, a lot of waste recycling enterprises are likely to engage in illegal ore separation, so that gave illegal mineral tremendous market." Marong Zhang said.

In the Aug. 7 release of rare special action program in one of the priorities of its work that cleanup and recycling of waste products utilization of rare earth enterprises. "This is actually concentrating on the rare special action, since the individual is difficult to check, and verification of comprehensive recycling business is easier." Close to the Ministry of the sources said.

Ganzhou Anyuan County principal leaders

Have been dismissed due to the problem of rare earth

Marong Zhang also stressed at the meeting, in the rare earth production and regulation, individual local governments in violation of national rare earth industry policy, ultra vires rare earth smelting separation project, or even condone illegal rare earth production.

"In fact this is the case in many parts of the South may be more serious." Gap in the forum, the trade association executives told reporters.

The reporter yesterday when communicating with the relevant industry insiders informed that the recent Southern city of Ganzhou Rare Earth subordinate principal leaders of the county because of a rare-earth issues were dismissed.

Reporter through a number of Ganzhou local sources confirmed that the recent Ganzhou Anyuan County because of a major leading rare earth-related issues has resigned. An Ganzhou Rare Earth Industry sources also told reporters recently Ganzhou lot of leadership problems, but whether it is caused because the earth has yet to be understood. Earlier, the central eighth inspection teams stationed at the end of May, Jiangxi Province.

Reporters in Anyuan County site inspection found that the county leaders part of the principal leaders of a column has been vacant, no relevant name, Baidu Encyclopedia about the person's tenure of Anyuan to July 4, 2013 that Hom Yet only.

Ma Rongzhang suggested that to resolutely crack down on black chain, should be rare regulations as soon as possible, a clear main responsibility to establish long-term mechanism to regulate rare earth production and management behavior. He also said that the Chinese Rare Earth Society is studying the long-term development plan of China's rare earth industry, will be completed at the end of planning.

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