Gold Price Will Fall, Time to Switch to Specialty Metals?

The U.S. and Europe may have been skirting the edge of financial peril for years, but Christopher Ecclestone, who is the principal and mining strategist of London-based Hallgarten & Co., told The Metals Report that the gold price should drop this year as investors realize that there's no more cause for panic. However, the frank and expressive Ecclestone has plenty of other suggestions for what's "sexy" this year (zinc, copper and specialty metals), even as he rips into "business as usual" gold majors and chastises any management team with the nerve to offer a 0.5% dividend.

Christopher believes that the metal market will recover in 2013. Why is this? He said that We'll have a different type of recovery than we've had in the past, when everything was driven by the financial industry and house price inflation. The U.S. keeps driving along the edge of the cliff like Thelma and Louise, but never actually going over.

I get the feeling that there will inevitably have to be a recuperation. The ducks are in the row now for an industrial recuperation—probably a construction-led one. I'm not talking about a rip-roaring recovery, but there is such a delicate balance in base metals between supply and demand that it doesn't take much recovery to vacuum up lingering stocks and tip the markets back into a deficit situation again.

Christopher Ecclestone is a principal and mining strategist at Hallgarten & Co. in New York. He is also a director of Mediterranean Resources, a gold mining company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, with properties in Turkey. Prior to founding Hallgarten in 2003, he was the head of research at an economic think tank in New Jersey. Before moving to the U.S., he was the founder and head of research at the esteemed Argentine equity research firm Buenos Aires Trust Co. from 1991 until 2001. Prior to his arrival in Argentina, he worked in London beginning in 1985 as a corporate finance and equities analyst and as a freelance consultant on the restructuring of the securities industry. He graduated in 1981 from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

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China Likely to Keep Tungsten Price Unchanged for Feb

February, because of the impact of the Chinese New Year holidays, Jiangxi Ganzhou Tungsten Association has decided to retain its guide price for tungsten concentrate unchanged in February, in line with market expectations.

The now holiday has passed, the more manufacturers or have started, slowly increasing the size of the tungsten market supply and demand. Festival just opened, and the tungsten market sentiment remains very deserted, merchants offer mostly maintained at the pre-holiday level, coupled February institutions guide price flat, market price adjustment motivation is more lack Therefore, we expect that the tungsten City market in the short term to stabilize the main January tungsten prices remain unchanged.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Mega Precious Metals Identified High Grade Concentrations of Tungsten at Monument Bay Gold Camp

Mega Precious Metals Inc. ("Mega") is pleased to announce that the company has commenced its 2013 exploration & drill program and discovered high grade concentrations of Tungsten at its high grade multimillion ounce gold deposit at the Monument Bay Gold Camp, in Manitoba.

In mid-2012, Mega's geological team, in conjunction with the University of Manitoba, determined that the gold mineralized zones have highly elevated concentrations of tungsten in the form of a mineral called Scheelite. The Gold/Scheelite association was determined using a UV light and has outlined the mineralized zones to be broad and continuous. These Scheelite veins occur within the current gold mineralized footprint at Monument Bay and could become a significant economic by-product (University of Manitoba Presentation Nov 2012). Mega's geological team has been reviewing in excess of 130,000 m of drill core to continue to outline these mineralized structures.

Mega is pleased to announce its first preliminary analytical Tungsten assay results for core previously assays in 2011 only for Au mineralization has shown the potential for an economic by-product credit. The initial results have indicated Tungsten values in excess of 2.01% over 1m with a broad lower grade halo. A grade of 2.01% Tungsten equates to 20.1 kg of Tungsten per tonne. The current average January spot price of tungsten is $52.90/kg. As a point of reference, current Tungsten only mines have resource grades between 0.09 and 1.1% Tungsten with the average being ~0.49% Tungsten. There are currently over 17 holes with over 600 Tungsten assays pending for the initial program.

Note: * Gold equivalent grade is calculated by multiplying the January Average Spot Tungsten price of $52,900/tonne by the %WO3 and then dividing by the Gold Spot price $52.05/gram ($1650/ounce), then adding the Gold grade.

Mega's planned 7000 m step out drill program will focus on expanding the stockwork style high grade gold mineralization of the existing Twin Lakes Deposit, expand the new Mid East and AZ satellite deposits and test the newly found regional exploration gold targets such as the Connector and Gold Pond zones. All of these mineralized zones occur within 7 kms of the existing Twin Lakes Gold Deposit.

In addition, Mega has commenced an update of its National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 Resource Estimate for the Twin Lakes Deposit & area within the Monument Bay Gold Camp. During 2012 work completed included 40 new drill holes (> 12,500 m), over 30 Old Core Assay Program ("OCAP") holes (> 11,568 m) and multiple kilometers of surface mapping and sampling which will be included in the updated resource estimate.

Mega's President & Interim CEO, Glen Kuntz commented "These initial Tungsten results are very exciting as they demonstrate our ability to make new discoveries while continuing to expand the size and extent of the known mineralized zones and with the potential to greatly enhance the economics of our project. The very strong presence of tungsten in the form of scheelite throughout each of our gold bearing structures has demonstrated the polymetallic nature of our deposit will have a significant cost advantage after by-product credit compared to many of our mining peers. The addition of 0.25% tungsten equates to increasing the Au grade equivalent by 2.5 gpt.

This winter's drill program is a combination of infill and step out drilling which is designed to refine the resource model and test regional targets that are outside the current resource boundary. The gold/tungsten knowledge and other mineralization controls that we have gained over the past 12 months is valuable and provides encouragement that the large high grade mineralized systems that we are exploring along the 120 kilometer long trends will contribute to demonstrate the large scale potential of the system and provide strong growth in resources at our Monument Bay Gold Camp.

Additional Gold and Tungsten results are pending from both our current drill program and our ongoing OCAP that will continue to add more resource ounces to this asset backed investment. We expect these programs to be complete by the end of April."

Testing Shallow Targets - More Near Term Potential for Success

It is management's view that our systematic approach continues to provide potential for significant value creation and plans to continue to test the near surface targets and believes that all of the new mineralization outlined since 2011 will potentially increase the areas for potential pits and High Grade underground mines. Mega is committed and focused with its exploration activities beyond the existing resource boundary to establish potential for future resource growth by outlining multiple gold targets along the 120 kms of prospective mineralized corridors.

The current project is easily accessible by air and the Manitoba Government continues to initiate the development of infrastructure in the region, including upgradable power lines, low electricity rates ($0.2-0.4/kWh) and the construction of all season roads within the region in the next 5 years.

Technical Information

The design of Mega's drilling programs, Quality Assurance/Quality Control and interpretation of results is under the control of Mega's geological staff including qualified persons employing a QA/QC program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. A detailed review of Mega's QA/QC procedures is filed in the NI 43-101 report dated March 19, 2012 and on SEDAR.

All drill core is transported by Company personnel from drill site to our camp for logging, sampling preparation are completed. Sampling intervals are defined after core logging and determination of scheelite content by examination under short-wave UV-light. One half of the core is sent for analysis, while the other half is retained in the core boxes for future reference. All samples are shipped to Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay, Ontario and analyzed employing the appropriate gold fire assaying technique. For QA/QC purposes the Company as well as the lab submits standards and blanks every 20 samples. Samples are analyzed for W by XRF and Assay results for tungsten are reported by the laboratory as W%. WO3 values are calculated using a conversion factor of 1.2611.

Glen Kuntz, President and Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the Qualified Person for the information contained in this press release and is a Qualified Person defined by National Instrument 43-101. Glen was Sr. Resource Geologist at the Campbell Gold Mine and Global Spatial Data Systems Coordinator for Placer Dome, Vice President Enterprise Mining Solutions for Runge Ltd., and most recently, Chief Operating Officer with Mega Precious Metals.

Monument Bay Gold Camp - Measured, Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resources


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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ACA Supports the Lawsuit against Conflict Minerals Ruling

The American Coatings Association (ACA) has drafted an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit filed by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the US Chamber of Commerce, and the Business Roundtable (BRT) against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The lawsuit asks that the SEC’s Conflict Minerals Rule be set aside.

Last August, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted the Conflict Minerals Rule, following to section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act. The rule requires that publicly traded companies disclose certain conflict minerals, including include tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold, or derivatives used in their production processes. This follows the US government’s ruling that these minerals are financing the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries.

The lawsuit states: “The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) “conflict minerals” rule may have been motivated by good intentions – to reduce funding to armed groups and help end the terrible conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). As the dissenting Commissioners pointed out, however, good intentions are no substitute for rigorous analysis, and the Commission’s analysis here was woefully inadequate."

The industry associations, supported by the ACA, argue that the SEC failed to meet its statutory obligation to consider the effects of the rule by failing to determine if the rule would benefit the DRC, and by underestimating the rule’s costs. As well as this, the SEC expanded the scope of the rule adding significant burdens and costs to US industry without demonstrating any benefit for the DRC or the Congolese people.

The industry coalition also challenged the requirement for companies to undertake an onerous “reasonable country of origin inquiry,” expanding the rule’s scope to non-manufacturers, and providing for an irrational transition period.  Lastly, the industry associations assert that the rule violates the First Amendment by requiring companies to report on their website and to the Securities and Exchange Commission if any of their products are “not DRC conflict free”.

The SEC is expected to respond on 1 March 2013.

american coatings association,conflict minerals,securities and exchange commission

The American Coatings Association (ACA) drafts an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The lawsuit asks that the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s conflict minerals rule be set aside - Chinatungsten News Center.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Geodex Targetting Source of High Grade Dungarvon Tungsten Project in Canada

Geodex Minerals Ltd. (the "Company" or "Geodex") is pleased to announce the results of the 2012 exploration program on its Dungarvon tungsten-molybdenum-tin project in New Brunswick, Canada. The program met its objective of refining the drill target areas to test for the source of multiple high grade tungsten boulder trains on the Dungarvon Project.

The 2012 Dungarvon program focused on the Peaked Mountain portion of the project area. Highlights of the results there included: 


Valentines Day Rings - Tungsten Engraved ‘I Love You’ Rings

What better gift to receive from a loved one on valentines day, than a precious and carefully chosen piece of jewellery.

It can match the beauty of a rose and never wilt; be as gratifying as chocolate yet never spoil. It really is the perfect Valentine's Day Gift!
Black Tungsten I Love You Ring

Mens Black Tungsten 'I Love You' Ring
This ring has a sleek, subtle and discreet design; simply a beautiful object with a secret message 'I Love You' engraved on the inside of the ring.
Tungsten Engraved I Love You Ring

Tungsten 'I love you' Ring
This 'I Love You' ring is slightly more contemporary and features a stunning silver band running through the middle. Tungsten has a characteristic deep black shimmer and our tungsten rings have a impressive high polish finish.

Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Snake Design Tungsten Rings - the Best Fashion Tungsten Rings of the Snake Year

Snake design tungsten rings - Animals of the chinese zodiac tungsten rings

Twelve Chinese Zodiac is an important part of Chinese traditional culture.
The 12 animals are from nature. The snake is the one of Zodiac.

This year is the snake year.
Then wearing a snake designed tungsten ring will make you look more fashion.


Black Fire Minerals Focuses on Developing Tungsten Project

Black Fire Minerals non-executive chairman Mick Billing has increased his shareholding in the company on-market by over 1 million shares.

Billing acquired the shares for a total consideration of A$26,513, or $0.026 per share.

He now holds 1.28 million shares in Black Fire.

Black Fire is focused on developing its Pilot Mountain Tungsten-Copper Project in Nevada and Kangeshi Copper-Silver Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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N1 Technologies's NanoSave Super Oils Incorporate Tungsten Nanospheres

Nanotech Super Oils Incorporate Tungsten NanospheresN1 Technologies recently introduced a new series of motor oils and lubricants featuring advanced nanotechnology.

NanoSave N1 oils are designed to increase mileage, reduce friction heat and prevent wear by forming a protective shield around moving engine parts. This tribofilm, called NanoShield, slips into rough and creviced metal surfaces of engine parts to help prolong the operation and engine service life of any vehicle.


SilverCrest Intends to Be Senior Tungsten Trioxide Producer Within Five Years

It is reported that SilverCrest intends to be a senior tungsten trioxide producer within the next five years.

The company at the end of January announced an updated National Instrument 43-101-compliant inferred resource at the La Joya project, which is shaping up to be a significant high-grade resource holding 100.8-million ounces of silver at a cutoff grade of 60 g/t. The resource is also reported to hold 75.1-million pounds of tungsten trioxide (WO3) at a 0.05% cutoff grade.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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