Ammonium Paratungstate(APT)Market On May 8, 2013

Ammonium paratungstate market (APT) quiet, prices hold firm.

Owing to the guiding prices, some ammonium paratungstate (APT) suppliers raise offers. But the transaction prices did not recover, and most of the APT market participants hold wait-and-see attitudes towards the future market. An APT factory noted that they make offers for APT at RMB193,000t this week, which kept firm in the last time.

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The Price of Tungsten Concentrate and APT in May

Tungsten Concentrate Price (WO3 65%, wt) continued to rising, which has been more than 6% and the price has already hit 125 thousand RMB per ton. Downstream demand of tungsten are mainly on Tungsten hard alloy(about 50%) and Tungsten steel (30%), tungsten concentrated in the Carbide (about 50%). While terminal demand of Tungsten wear-resistant tools, cutting tool and machine tool will depend on industrial development. The output of tungsten concentrate increased 3% in 2012. Domestic production of add-value industry rose to 10% after November 2012, which indicates that domestic demand was stable, which is resulted from demand uptrend news about store.

The price of Tungsten hard alloy has gone up about 20% and Ammonium Paratungstate (APT) has increased 15% from last quarter of 2012. Therefore, tungsten concentrates maybe the main driving factor in the uptrend of the price of tungsten, which indicates the feature of cost-driven. In the context that the global economy is still in a stage of adjustment, it is necessary to see the situation of downstream demand (mainly monitoring data of April Ammonium Paratungstate export), the rise of tungsten concentrate price may indirectly transmit to downstream though affecting the price of Ammonium Paratungstate (APT). In this regard, the price of tungsten may continue to rise. On the contrary, the price may remain stable.

Chinatungsten Online predicted that tungsten concentrate price and APT price will remain the uprising trend in the next several months.


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Making the Tungsten Carbide Raw Material

Cemented Tungsten Carbide is an incredible material. It was originally developed for use as a cutting tool, in machine tools applications, where it still finds wide use today.

When a mixture of powdered tungsten metal and carbon powder are raised to a very high temperature by an arc of electricity, while the whole mass is held in a carbon crucible, there is a complete chemical combination of the two elements to form a big lump of tungsten carbide ( WC ). This lump is crushed several times and then milled to form a fine powder. The powder is screened down to uniform particle sizes.

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New Era of Tungsten Carbide as Cutting Material

In recent years, all kinds of new cutting tools that were launched by the manufacturer of cutters have caught people’s attention in hardware machine tool exhibition. In order to reach the goal and lay a foundation for long-term development of “twelfth five-year”, importance of hardware industries should be attached to product structure adjustment, diamond cutter innovation and industry restructuring.

Experts believed that tungsten carbide used as cutting materials would create a new era. Compared with the high speed steel, tungsten carbide performs better properties and owns higher cutting efficiency. It is an important guarantee to realize efficient process of modern cutting technology when it combined with super hard materials. Now, the proportion of tungsten carbide cutting tool in our country reaches 40%, far below the level of developed country, which has seriously restricted the improvement of cutter products? Better cutting materials, more solid foundation for the adjustment of cutting tools. Without better cutting materials, the reform of increasing proportion of cutting material would not be achieved. Therefore, tungsten carbide as cutting material would be catalyst for the reformation of cutting industries.

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Tungsten Carbide Inserts

The inserts are sorted as clamped inserts, wood-cutting tools, milling & turning inserts, etc. Many inserts for mining tools are made of tungsten carbide. Mining and tunneling cutting tools are fitted with Cemented Carbide tips so it is called "Button Bits". Only man-made diamond may replace the Cemented Carbide buttons when conditions are ideal, but as rock drilling is a tough task. Tungsten carbide inserts remain the most used type throughout the world.


C grades Classification of Tungsten Carbide

C-1 to C-4 are general grades for cast iron, non-ferrous and non-metallic materials
C-1       Roughing                      
C-2       General Purpose
C-3       Finishing
C-4       PrecisionSteel and steel alloys - these grades resist pitting and deformation
C-5       Roughing                      
C-6       General Purpose
C-7       Finishing
C-8       PrecisionWear Surface
C-9       No shock
C-10     Light shock
C-11     Heavy shockImpact
C-12     Light
C-13     Medium
C-14     heavyMiscellaneous
C-15     Light cut, hot flash weld removalC-15A  Heavy cut, hot flash weld removal
C-16     Rock bits
C-17     Cold header dies
C-18     Wear at elevated temperatures and/or resistance to chemical reactions
C-19     Radioactive shielding, counter balances and kinetic applications

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten Carbide Blade on Wise Geek

Trekking poles used by hikers, for instance, use carbide tips in order to gain traction on hard or rocky surfaces. Several common consumer goods contain tungsten carbide, including razor blades and the rotating tips of ballpoint pens. It has also become increasingly common for it to be used in men's wedding bands.

Moissan had set out to create diamonds, but his experiments led to the development of a porous, brittle version of modern tungsten-carbide. The Germans Karl Schroeter and Heinrich Baumhauef discovered that the material could be made stronger and more appropriate for industrial uses, such as cutting, with the addition of cobalt.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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What are Carbide Tips?

With something like a carbide-tipped saw blade, the main body of the blade is made of steel. The small tips of carbide are brazed on to the body. A good carbide tip might hold an edge ten to twenty times longer than a tool steel tip.

Carbide tips do get dull eventually. You sharpen them using the same techniques you would use with tool steel, but because they are so hard, you use a different abrasive. Something coated in diamond or a carbide abrasive wheel is common.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten Carbide's Use

Tungsten carbide (or more specifically tungsten carbide and titanium carbide) is a very common material on any sort of cutting tool: For example, saw blades, lathe bits, drill bits, router bits and dental drilling tips are generally made of carbide. Tungsten carbide is so popular in these sorts of tools because it stays sharper longer than most other materials. Additionally, some ball-point pens use carbide balls because it helps the pen last longer.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Non-toxic Materirals--Tungsten Alloy

In order to reduce the adoption of environmental hazardous materials in the military field, tungsten alloy related products are used as a nontoxic substitute for lead and depleted uranium in bullet and shot.

High-density metals such as tungsten alloy are now widely employed; the goal is to create functional, high density, non-toxic arms projectiles with controlled impact behavior.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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